
| We Have RSS Here

Erekose Craft

RSS feeds for this blog are now online! You can subscribe to the feed here , or by getting the feed address from any of the RSS icons floating around (courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)!

I Was SO Dreading Getting This Set Up For No Reason

No, for real. I somehow convinced myself that it was going to be a ton of work to make a working RSS generator - thinking that it had to be its own entire system, coded specifically for RSS.

Then the other day I was stewing in my dread, as one does, and realized…

“Wait… RSS is XML. I can just use my static site generator as-is, and build a template for the RSS feed… I’m very not smart!”

Then I did! And it was easy(ish). All I needed was to add some new features to generate valid RSS that will pass online validators (like sanitizing strings of HTML characters for descriptions).

And here we are!

Thus the tale of how RSS came to be in these lands. In the wise words of every YouTuber: Don’t forget to subscribe~

(Side-note: blog posts have banner art now!)

Newer: Why is Software Development So Difficult?
Older: Hello, World!
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