
| New Year, Job Update

Erekose Craft

Hey! Here’s a really late blog post before the end of the year.

Big News

It’s been busy on this end, but the biggest thing is that I started a new job!

I’m now working for Monomi Park~

Monomi Park Logo

This means I’ve also swapped from working in Unreal Engine primarily in C++ to Unity in C#, BUT I will keep on top of working regularly with C++ for personal work.

That said, I have opinions about Unity for sure. So many opinions. Plenty worth sharing about code organization, tooling, corporate priorities, and UX - so look forward to that. (Or don’t, your call)

One of my New Year’s resolutions is absolutely to make more blog posts. I think something I need to work on is tooling my own website better to make posts easier to make in general. So I think getting that together will become one of my upcoming priorities.

For now, I’m focusing on resting and getting into the new year refreshed for the first in a long time. I hope you all get the same chance - take care of yourselves.

Happy Holidays, and have a great New Year!

Newer: What is UI?
Older: Why is Software Development So Difficult?
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